Tuesday, April 27, 2010

au revoir...

Tomorrow I head off to the beautiful South of France, specifically Nice and Aix en Provence. I have always wanted to see the French country-side where so many painters came to experience the light and colour of this special region in France; especially Cezanne. I will have good company, good food, good wine and some beautiful scenery. I was thinking this morning of how blessed I am that I can travel in my youth. Not very many people ever have the chance to go abroad and experience new things- I have seen and experienced more things abroad the most Americans will ever see. Also traveling as a young person is fantastic. Again I just feel blessed to have the support back home to let me do this. I will always be in debt of thanks to my family for being so motivating and supportive. I feel like I really have changed for the better with this knowledge and the growth will continue making me a 'rounded' person.
Oh la beauté du monde me laisser boire jusqu'à vous aimez le vin..

1 comment:

chewbird said...

i will miss you.. but you are going to have a great time! JEALOUS.