Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Paris - Jour 2

On day two of our Parisian adventure Amy and I went to the Louvre. It is the biggest art museum I have ever been in! You literally needed a map, and the throngs of tourists were insane. We all jumbled to the Mona Lisa first and gazed upon her from about a mile away… actually it was about 10 feet, definitely not proper viewing distance. There were many other paintings and sculptures that I was not aware that the Louvre had and I was delighted to see them by “accident”( like the Venus de Milo). We gave ourselves about two hours to see the specific things we wanted. I headed out to see the staple things I had covered in past , like the Sitting Scribe - The sculpture of the Seated Scribe is one of most important examples of ancient Egyptian art. It represents a figure of a seated scribe at work. The sculpture was discovered at Saqqara in 1850 and dated to the period of 4th Dynasty, 2620-2500 BCE.
It is exciting to see the things you study from slides in real life!
Next we went to the Eiffel tower, and like the David you are not prepared to see it in real life, no matter how much you have seen it in media. It is much bigger then you would expect and it is beautiful. We did not go to the top because the lines were absolutely horrendous. But Amy did enjoy some of her very Parisian meringues in the towers presence. We attempted to visit the Opera house where the Phantom of the Opera takes place but it was closed. We wondered the city and spent time in a café writing in a journal.

Winged Victory of Samothrace - Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa'a guards

Amy - Grande Odalisque

Liberty Leading the People - The Seated Scribe
The Lace Maker

Venus de Milo - Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss

Guy playen the slide guitar in the Metro

1 comment: said...

wow, Paris. My number 1 holiday destination ;-)