Monday, January 26, 2009

So another college semester has begun. I am taking 12 units which are 4 different classes- figure painting, advanced painting, Asian art history and advanced drawing.
By two painting classes are with the same teacher on the same day, so I will be panting for six hours straight which sounds daunting but I think it will be good; because I only ever want to be in painting class anyway. I am nervous about the figure class thou, because I don't think I am all that great at painting the figure. The history class has the potential to very interesting of insufferable and dull. The professor has a heavy accent (hard to understand) and some of what he talked about today was cool and funny but then he would go off into tangents about other things-yikes!
I haven't been in a real drawing class for some time and here I am in advanced drawing. I am not to worried about it since I know and like my professor and I will be able to use her and then produce whatever I want. Cross your fingers all.

1 comment:

yogamama said...

I have no doubt that you will exceed in all!